Your loved one's headstone will mark their final resting spot and can be an important reminder of what type of person your family member was or their claim to fame. A headstone's inscription may be your main focus, but the type of material that you choose for the headstone and proper maintenance are equally important.
Weigh The Pros And Cons
Marble, bronze, and granite are three materials that headstone monuments are often constructed of. If you have ever walked through a cemetery and noticed some stones showing signs of decay and age, including chipped surfaces or a greenish patina covering portions of some stones, you may be wondering if this is what you are going to be dealing with concerning your family member's headstone.
Marble is a beautiful material, but it isn't the hardest stone type and can become chipped or incur abrasions that leave permanent marks. Damage to marble can occur during a hail storm or when temperatures plummet below freezing.
Bronze is another material that possesses a rich, golden hue, but may develop a patina after being exposed to the elements for many years or being polished numerous times. Granite is a material that can be many different colors. It is hardy and will withstand moisture. This type of material can be maintained by polishing a headstone with a soft damp cloth.
View Samples And Inscriptions
If you are not sold on one specific headstone material, visit a supplier's showroom. The monuments that are on display may contain different inscription styles, which will allow you to visualize how your loved one's inscription will appear or may prompt you to choose a specific picture, letter type, or plaque that you would like displayed across the front of a headstone. If you choose a more fragile stone material, seek some suggestions on how you can care for the monument to preserve its appearance.
At a cemetery, the grounds will be maintained and this includes the trimming of the grass that surrounds the monument, but you will be responsible for upkeeping the actual headstone. Many people choose to wipe off a family member's monument or adorn it with a wreath or flowers whenever they visit the cemetery.
During a private visit with your recently-deceased relative, tend to the monument's maintenance needs. Another idea is to call upon other relatives, to aid in keeping your loved one's monument maintained. Set up a monthly schedule, which rotates and will delegate the cleaning needs to a different family member each time.
For more information, contact a headstone monument service.