Give Me A Sign

Indoor Signs You Might Want For Your Store That Help Your Customers Have An Enjoyable Experience

When you think of signage for your store, outdoor signs may come to mind. While outdoor signs are important, you don't want to overlook the importance of indoor signs. Outdoor signs help customers find your store while indoor signage helps them navigate your building and imparts helpful information. Here are some indoor signs you may want.

Vinyl Wayfinding Signs

If you sell items in aisles, your customers may have to wander up and down aisles unless you have wayfinding signs in place. These point customers to the items they're looking for. You may want a sign for every aisle or for different sections of your store. These signs can mount on the wall, hang from the ceiling, be on posts at the front of an aisle, or even be on large vinyl floor graphics.

Vinyl is a good choice for these signs since vinyl signs are inexpensive, colorful, and easy to install by yourself. Plus, vinyl signs are easy to customize with any text you want or have pictures printed on them to help people who speak different languages.

Marker Boards

Marker boards are nice for daily updates. You may want these for daily specials or for menu items if you serve food or snacks. You can update a marker board instantly with chalk or a marker to reflect the day's deals. If you have an artistic employee who can update the sign in style, a marker board is an attractive and artsy addition to your store. Even if you just use plain text, a marker board imparts important information about prices and the availability of food or sale items.

Door Signs

You'll want signs on doors in your store so customers don't wander into closets or offices, and so they can find the restroom easily. These signs mount next to the door or on the door itself and identify the room behind the door. When the doors are numbered in a logical order, the signs can also be useful for wayfinding. Door signs come in a variety of styles so you can find signs that reflect the theme of your store whether you want to impart a professional or creative image. 

Window Displays

Window displays are important for a store since they show people passing by what you have to offer. The display signs may show photos of the items you sell or pictures of your food. The signs might advertise a sale or simply have cute quotes or sayings on them that draw attention. Vinyl signs are good for window displays, but since the signs are protected from the outdoor elements, you might want signs made from glossy poster paper. You can even have transparent vinyl decals for your windows.

Indoor signs convey a lot of information to your customers, but you want them to go together to create a cohesive look rather than creating chaos and clutter. A sign company can help you select the right signs and design them to draw attention through your store windows and to enhance the shopping experience for your customers.